THRIVE with Joi

JUS - 13 - Love and Marriage- Dr. Kimberly Oufitt

Episode Notes

In this episode, Joi and Dr. Kimberly look at in detail the "process" of growing into womanhood and embracing it at your own pace. "I feel like growing into womanhood is ever evolving."....Dr. Kimberly Offutt

Dr. Kimberly is a woman who wears many hats as a woman. She is a wife, mother, adoptive parent, weight loss coach, speaker, author and trainer. Over the last two decades Dr. Kimberly has focused on family, adoption, marriage and mother/ daughter relationships. Dr. Kimberly is very transparent and candid. In her journey through womanhood, she has worked on herself as she transition into her 40's. Dr. Kimberly shares her story of 18 years of marriage, 3 babies, 4 adoptions, 6 grandbabies, 10 years in fulltime ministry, serial entrepreneur and almost divorce but still made it. She has made 2021 her year of her expectancy!

Dr. Kimberly choses life- "living my life to the fullest versus existing." She lives this out through her business and authored books.

For health and wellness goals visit:

For access to Dr. Kimberly Books:

Connect with Dr. Kimberly at:

FB: iamkimberlyoffutt
Instagram: @iamkimberlyoffutt
Twitter: @offutt_kimberly

You can connect with Joi at:
FB: Joi Hunter-Nichols
Instagram: @Joi_Nichols
Clubhouse: @joinichols

Do you feel like you are just surviving life? But you know that there is greater inside of you. Well, it's time to T.H.R.I.V.E. Join this 6- week coaching program with Joi that will begin to address 6 key areas in a woman's life that keeps her from THRIVING and living in her purpose.
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